The Chellington Team Ministry
Eight churches have been brought together under the Chellington Team Ministry with two full-time stipendiary priests. These are: St.Peter’s Harrold, St.Mary’s Carlton and Harrold United Reformed Church (the Chapel), formerly known as ‘Churches Together in Harrold & Carlton’, together with All Saints’ Odell, All Saints’ Turvey, St.Mary the Virgin Stevington, St.Lawrence Wymington, and St.Mary the Virgin Podington. These 8 churches make up the Chellington Benefice.
Contacts for Churches Together in Harrold & Carlton, service times and the clergy letter are below.
Chellington Team Ministry | |||||
Sunday Services in Harrold, Carlton and Odell April 2023 | |||||
St Peter’s, Harrold | URC Harrold | St Mary’s, Carlton | All Saints, Odell | ||
Palm Sunday April 2nd |
11.00 at URC |
11.00 Communion
11.00 Communion
11.00 Communion
Easter Sunday April 9th |
09.30 Communion Rev J Curtis |
11.00 Communion Rev V Webb |
11.00 Communion Rev J Curtis |
11.00 Communion Rev P Turnbull |
Sunday April 16th |
11.00 at St Mary’s Carlton |
11.00 Communion Rev J Curtis |
11.00 Communion Rev P. Turnbull |
11.00 Morning Service Lindsay Hall |
Sunday April 23rd |
09.30 Communion Rev P Turnbull |
11.00 Family Service Elders |
08.15 Communion Rec J Curtis |
11.00 Communion Rev J Curtis |
Happy Easter.
We hope you have lots of fun doing Easter Egg hunts, eating hot cross buns and of course, sharing lots of chocolate Easter Eggs. But what’s Easter all about? What can we learn from the great Easter story that can give us joy and comfort and can change our lives? ……………….It’s all about the importance of Jesus’ resurrection.
Westminster Abbey is famous worldwide, and thousands of people visit it because the dead bodies of famous writers, philosophers and politicians are entombed there.
In Jerusalem, there is the Shrine of the Holy Sepulchre and pilgrims from all over the world visit an empty tomb there with a note at its entrance which says, “He is not here.” It is famous because Jesus Christ, who was once buried there, rose from the dead, leaving an empty tomb, as he had told his disciples he would. He worked the most important miracle in His life, defying death and proving that he is God.
Without the Resurrection, Jesus would have remained forever a good person who had met a tragic end. People may have remembered some of his teachings and a handful of people might have tried to live according to them. But, he did rise from the dead and all the basic doctrines of Christianity are founded on the truth of the Resurrection.
Easter Sunday is one of the holiest days on the Christian calendar. It shows us the message of the continual hope we can have because of the death and resurrection of Jesus. In a world of pain, sorrows and challenges, it reminds us that life is worth living and we can trust in the ever living presence of the risen Christ. He is with us at all times, giving us the strength, support and comfort to face life’s ups and downs.
In Jesus’ post resurrection appearance to his disciples, He greeted his friends saying, ‘Peace be with you’ and He promised He would be with them and us until the end of time.
Try and find a few minutes when you can, to speak to God (either as a quiet conversation or a prayer) and feel the peace He can give you. He is always there with you, but sometimes we forget to welcome Him into our lives.
I hope you have a very happy Easter with your friends and family.
Peace be with you.
God bless.
Peter, Jacqueline, and Lindsay